Delivery & Returns

What are your delivery areas?

We deliver to all parts of Egypt, and we are working to expand the scope and export abroad soon.

How much does delivery cost?

Delivery costs are calculated based on the weight of your order, destination and chosen shipping method. You can see the estimated cost during the checkout process.

Do you offer free delivery?

Yes, we offer free delivery for orders worth more than 3,000 Egyptian pounds.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

Our order processing and delivery time is usually within 5 business days.

Can I track my order?

Yes, you will receive a confirmation email and on your mobile phone with tracking information once your order ships.

What happens if my order is damaged during delivery?

We pay great attention to the packaging of your order. However, if your order arrives damaged, please contact us within 3 days with photos of the damage and we will arrange a replacement or refund.

Do you offer international delivery?

At the moment no, but we are striving to make this available as soon as possible.

Can I choose a specific delivery date?

Yes, you can choose a specific date for delivery when confirming your order by contact Us.

What happens if I am not home when my order arrives?

This will not happen because you will be contacted by the shipping representative before arriving at your location, but if that happens, you will be contacted during the day to schedule another suitable appointment for you for one time only.

How can I change my delivery address after placing my order?

Contact us immediately at our phone number and we will do our best to accommodate the change if the order has not shipped yet.

Do you offer express shipping options?

At the moment, no, but we are striving to make this available as soon as possible.

Can I add a gift message to my order?

Yes, you can personalize a message to your order. You can access this from the payment page or from the home page through the Customize your gift section.

What happens if my order is lost during delivery?

We will contact the shipping company to determine the status of your order. If not found, we will issue a full refund or replacement.

How can I change my delivery address after placing my order?

Contact us immediately at our phone number and we will do our best to accommodate the change if the order has not shipped yet.

Do you offer express shipping options?

At the moment, no, but we are striving to make this available as soon as possible.

Can I add a gift message to my order?

Yes, you can personalize a message to your order. You can access this from the payment page or from the home page through the Customize your gift section.

What happens if my order is lost during delivery?

We will contact the shipping company to determine the status of your order. If not found, we will issue a full refund or replacement.

What is your return policy?

We accept returns on undamaged and new condition items within 14 days of receipt.

How do I start the return process?

You can initiate the return process through your account on our website or by contact us at our email or phone number.

Who pays for the return process?

You will be responsible for the return costs unless the return is due to an error on our part.

How will I get my money back?

Refunds will be issued to the original payment method used for purchase within 10 business days of receipt of the returned product.

What items are not eligible for returns?

We have some non-returnable items such as custom-made items and perishable goods.

What happens if my order is damaged during delivery?

We pay great attention to the packaging of your order. However, if your order arrives damaged, please contact us within 3 days with photos of the damage and we will arrange a replacement or refund.

How long does the return process take?

It usually takes 5 business days to process your return after we receive it.

What happens if I lose my return receipt?

Contact us and we will help you with the replacement.

You received a wrong/damaged product. What should I do?

Contact us immediately at our email or phone number with your order details and problem description. We will arrange the exchange, return or refund.

Do I need a receipt to return the item?

Yes, you will need a copy of your order confirmation or packing slip to start the return process. If you do not find it, contact us and we will try to help you.

What if I want to cancel my order before it ships?

Contact us immediately and we will do our best to cancel your order if it has not shipped yet.

How can I update my contact information for delivery or returns purposes?

You can update your contact information through our My Account page or by contact us directly.

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